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2023 Advocacy Activities

Below are the letters and amicus briefs that ASRM has written or signed to protect reproductive rights and the practice of reproductive medicine.

(Updated 12-31-2023)



Sign-on: Letter with NWLC urging the CFPB to address harmful behavior by the data broker industry
Letter to Ohio's Senate Government Oversight Committee opposing HB 68, a ban on gender-affirming care for minors
Sign on letter with Equality CA calling for Funding for Fertility Services in the 2024-25 California State Budget
Sign on letter with PPFA opposing attacks on sexual and reproductive health in the FY24 Labor-HHS appropriations bill
Letter to MA Judiciary Committee in support of the Massachusetts Parentage Act (H.1713/S.947)
Letter to MI House Judiciary Committee supporting the Michigan Family Protection Act
Sign on letter with PPFA Opposing Attacks on Medication Abortion in House Appropriations bill
Sign on letter with Friends of Cancer Research in support of the nomination of Dr. Monica Bertagnolli for Director of the NIH
Sign on letter with AUA supporting the Specialty Physicians Advancing Rural Care Act (S. 705/ H.R. 2761).
Sign on letter with NFPRHA to OMB urging the prioritizing of Title X, Medicaid Free Choice of Provider, and expansion of access to clinical services for STIs in the FY24 budget
Sign on letter with PAI to OMB from the global SRHR community that outlines our priorities for the final President's budget of Biden's term.
Sign-on letter with PPFA Opposing Attacks on Medication Abortion in House Appropriations bill
Statement with SMFM urging the Idaho State legislature to reinstate the state's Maternal Mortality Review Committee
Sign-on letter with SIECUS to Senate Appropriations members urging them to fund the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program (TPPP) and the Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) program in the Senate’s FY24 Labor-HHS appropriations bill, and encouraging the elimination of the abstinence-only “sexual risk avoidance” competitive grant program.
Sign-on letter with MinorityVets calling on Members of Congress to fight against anti-LGBTQ+ and reproductive health amendments in the FY24 NDAA, Defense, and MilCon VA Appropriations Bills
Letter to Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds urging her not to pass an abortion ban
Fund Texas Choice v. Garza, an amicus brief with ACOG that seeks to enjoin enforcement of the Texas pre-Roe and trigger bans when applied to physicians that provide abortions or assist others to obtain abortions outside of the state. The lawsuit also seeks a declaration that enforcement of the Texas laws against physicians or others that assist patients obtain legal abortion care in other states or that provide abortion care in other states violates the constitutionally protected right to travel and to free speech.
Sign on letter with All Above All endorsing the Abortion Justice Act, which would protect people’s right to make their own healthcare decisions about abortion, would improve availability and affordability of abortion care, and would prevent elected officials from creating barriers to abortion care.
Sign on letter with the Center for Reproductive Rights to Congressional leadership urging Members of Congress to fight against attacks on gender affirming care and reproductive health in the FY24 NDAA, Defense appropriations, and MilCon-VA appropriations bills. These bills, in their current form, threaten the health, safety, and well-being of our communities.
Letter to NC's Senate Health Care Committee opposing HB 808, a ban on gender-affirming care for minors
Sign on letter with ACOG to OCR and HHS supporting provisions in PHI and repro health care outlined in the proposed rule entitled HIPAA Privacy Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care Privacy.
Resolution with PRH Opposing Criminalization of Essential Health Care 2023
Sign on letter joing the Coalition Against Religious Discrimination (CARD) and allies to oppose a Congressional Review Act resolution, H.J. Res. 61, that would reinstate a sweeping Trump-era religious exemption that allowed federal contractors to engage in taxpayer-funded employment discrimination
Sign on letter with March of Dimes in support of the the PREEMIE Act, a bill that reauthorizes the only federal law dedicated to the research, prevention and treatment of preterm birth.
Letter to Missouri's House Committee on Children and Families opposing HB 838, a personhood bill defining "Unborn child" as "the offspring of human beings from the moment of conception until birth and at every stage of its biological development, including the human conceptus, zygote, morula, blastocyst, embryo, and fetus"
Sign on letter with the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research calling on Congress to reject cuts to NDD appropriations and instead set funding for fiscal year 2024 at a level that recognizes both rising costs and the need for investment in programs important to fostering economic growth and meeting human needs.
Letter to Vermont's House Health Care Committee in support of H.369, a bill mandating fertility care including Medicaid
Letter to MN's HHS Conferees in support of a fertility provision in the HHS Omnibus bill
Letter to CT's Joint Appropriations Committee urging support for HB 6617, To provide equitable health insurance coverage for fertility health care to privately insured individuals and individuals insured through Medicaid.
Letter to Kansas Governor Laura Kelly urging her to veto SB 26, a ban on gender-affirming care for minors with criminal penalties for providers
FDA v Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, an amicus brief with ACOG challenging the 5th Circuit's decision not to stay the federal REMS changes on mifepristone
Letter to California's Senator Susan Rubio in support of SB 848, employment leave related to loss related to reproduction or adoption
Letter to Idaho's Governor Brad Little urging him not to sign HB 242 into law, a bill that would create the crime of "abortion trafficking" for anyone aiding a person under 18 in accessing abortion care
Letter to Melissa Wiklund, Minnesota Chair of Senate Health and Human Services Committee in support of adding IVF and FP provisions to the Senate omnibus bill
Letter to Arkansas's House Committee on Public Health, Welfare and Labor opposing SB 463, a ban on medication abortion that would revoke providers' licenses for failure to comply
Letter to Florida's House Health & Human Services Committee opposing HB 7, a six-gestational ban that also bans medication abortion and interstate travel for abortion care
Letter to Texas's House Public Health Committee opposing HB 1686, a bill criminalizing the provision of gender-affirming care
State of Washington et al. v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration et. al., Civil Action No. 1:23-cv-3026-TOR, an amicus brief filed with ACOG in the state of Washington by groups asserting that mifepristone is safe and should be protected by the FDA
Letter to Florida's Senate Fiscal Policy Committee opposing SB 300, a six week gestational ban that also bans medication abortion
Letter to Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds urging her not to sign SF 538, a bill criminalizing the provision of gender-affirming care for minors
Sign on letter with Friends of NICHD endorsing the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research funding recommendation of $50.924 billion for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and call for $1.877 billion for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).
Letter to Montana House Judiciary Committee opposing SB 99, a bill criminalizing the provision of gender-affirming care for minors and requiring that providers detransition patients
Sign on letter with MinorityVets to Congress urging Appropriators to protect funding for veterans and specifically for vital health programs including mental health, caregiving, and reproductive health care in FY24
Sign on letter in support of the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA)
Sign on letter with the Human Rights Campaign to Congressional appropriators calling for an increase in funding for the State Department's Global Equality Fund (GEF) to $40m and USAID's Inclusive Development Hub's Protection of LGBTQI+ Persons to $30m in the FY 2024 State and Foreign Operations appropriations bills.
Letter to Kentucky's Senate Standing Committee on Families and Children opposing HB 470, a bill criminalizing the provision of gender-affirming care for minors
Sign on letter with APHA to the CDC Coalition’s FY 2024 appropriations letter to House and Senate Labor-HHS-Education subcommittee leaders in support of $11 billion for CDC.
Sign on letter with Senator Hirono & Rep Pressley endorsing 3/10/23 as 2023 Abortion Provider Appreciation Day Congressional Resolution in memory of Dr David Gunn
Sign on letter with PAI supporting increased funding for international family planning and reproductive health programs in the State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs FY 2024 Appropriations bill.  
Sign on letter with AMA urging Congress to pass legislation that provides for an annual inflation-based payment update for physicians based on Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC)'s recommendation that Congress increase the 2024 Medicare payment rate above current law with an inflation-based payment update tied to the Medicare Economic Index (MEI)
Letter to Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon urging him not to sign HB 152, a total abortion ban that includes multifetal reduction, into law
Letter to IA Senate Judiciary Subcommittee opposing HSB 214, a bill criminalizing the provision of gender-affirming care for minors
Letter to IA House Health and Human Services Appropriations Subcommittee opposing SSB 1197, a bill criminalizing the provision of gender-affirming care for minors
Sign on letter with NWLC of opposition to SJ Res 10 and HJ Res 31, joint resolutions expressing “congressional disapproval” of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Interim Final Rule regarding abortion access at VA and in the CHAMPVA program.
Letter to NE Committee on Health and Human Services and Committee on Judiciary opposing LB 646, a "fetal heartbeat ban"
Letter to NE Committee on Health and Human Services opposing LB 574, penalizing gender affirming care for people under 19
Letter to WV Senate Committee on Health and Human Resources opposing SB 552, a "medication abortion reversal" bill
Letter to IN Senate Health and Provider Services Committee opposing SB 480, a bill criminalizing gender-affirming care for trans minors
Letter to CT Joint Committee on Human Services in support of Hb 2166, mandating fertility coverage including Medicaid
Letter to ID House Judiciary, Rules and Administration Committee opposing H 71, a bill criminalizing gender-affirming care for trans minors
Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, N.D. Texas, 22-cv-00223 signed on to an Amicus Brief with ACOG that could overturn the federal right to access mifepristone, used in medication abortion and miscarriage management
Letter to SC House Committee on Judiciary opposing H 3459, a personhood ban that puts abortion in the homicide code
Letter SC House leadership opposing S 474, a "fetal heartbeat" ban defining life as beginning at fertilization
Letter to AR Senate Judiciary Committee opposing SB 199, a bill criminalizing gender-affirming care for minors
Letter to TN House Insurance Subcommittee opposing HB 1215, criminalizing the provision of and blocking insurance coverage of gender-affirming care for transgender people
Letter to SC House Committee on Judiciary opposing H 3774, an abortion ban defining life as beginning at conception and criminalizing multifetal reduction.
Letter to AR House Committee on Public Health, Welfare, and Labor opposing SB 138, which would strip health clinics and hospitals of licenses for providing abortions
Sign on letter to Secretary Hicks asking to amend the line items pertaining to hypogonadism and primary amenorrhea to prevent confusion and to prevent those with differences of sex development who have already been evaluated and treated for these issues from being disqualified from service.
Letter to WY House Committee on Judiciary opposing HB 0152, a total abortion ban that also prohibits multifetal reduction
Letter to MN Governor Tim Waltz urging him to sign HF 1, the PRO Act, that would ensure reproductive freedom for Minnesotans
Letter to WA House Health and Wellness Committee in support of HB 1151, mandating coverage for IVF and fertility care