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Embryo Biopsy Embryologist Travel Costs

Our clinic is just starting to do PGD. We currently fly in an embryologist to perform the biopsy procedure. Can we bill insurance for the biopsy procedure? Can we bill for travel expenses?

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Coding Q&A

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Coding ART Lab teaser

Billing for assisted hatching at biopsy and transfer

We would also like to know if you can bill assisted hatching with biopsy and then assisted hatching again during the transfer cycle.
Coding ART Lab teaser

Sperm wash/IUI

Is CPT code 89260 is correct to use for our sperm wash/IUI procedure?
Coding ART Lab teaser

Coding PGT requisitions to the PGT lab

Do you have any recommended codes to use for PGT requisitions to the PGT lab?  
Coding ART Lab teaser

Billing for cryopreservation procedures on different days

I understand that if cryopreservation of oocytes is performed on two separate dates of service, each date of service was billable.

Coding Corner

Coding Corner is segmented into the following sections. Click an image below to view questions and answers in that section.


Coding Summaries_Teaser.png
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More Resources

MAC 2021 teaser
ASRM Academy on the Go

ASRM MAC Tool 2021

The ASRM Müllerian Anomaly Classification 2021 (MAC2021) includes cervical and vaginal anomalies and standardize terminology within an interactive tool format.

View the MAC Tool
EMR Phrases teaser
Practice Guidance

EMR Shared Phrases/Template Library

This resource includes phrases shared by ASRM physician members to provide a template for individuals to create their own EMR phrases.

View the library
Practice Committee Documents teaser

ASRM Practice Documents

These guidelines have been developed by the ASRM Practice Committee to assist physicians with clinical decisions regarding the care of their patients.

View ASRM Practice Documents
Ethics Committee teaser

ASRM Ethics Opinions

Ethics Committee Reports are drafted by the members of the ASRM Ethics Committee on the tough ethical dilemmas of reproductive medicine.

View ASRM Ethics Opinions
Coding Corner general teaser
Practice Guidance

Coding Corner Q & A

The Coding Corner Q & A is a list of previously submitted and answered questions from ASRM members about coding. Answers are available to ASRM Members only.

View the Q & A
Covid-19 teaser
Practice Guidance

COVID-19 Resources

A compendium of ASRM resources concerning the Novel Corona virus (SARS-COV-2) and COVID-19.

View the resources
Couple looking at laptop for online patient education materials

Patient Resources provides a wide range of information related to reproductive health and infertility through patient education fact sheets, infographics, videos, and other resources.

View Website

Topic Resources

View more on the topic of genetic screening/testing
Podcast Icon

Fertility and Sterility On Air - TOC: May 2024

Topics this month include Iatrogenic and demographic determinants of the national plural birth increase, outcomes between ICSI and IVF with PGT-A. Listen to the Episode
Videos Icon

Journal Club Global: Recent clinical trials in Fertility and Sterility from the Asia Pacific region

Join ASPIRE 2024 for a Journal Club Global on PGT-A and IVF. Learn from top experts discussing recent clinical trial data and pregnancy outcomes View the Video
Coding Icon

Coding for an endometrial biopsy/Mock cycle

We had patients request us to bill their insurance for the two monitoring visits and the Endo BX and change the diagnosis code to something that is payable.  View the Answer
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Fertility and Sterility On Air - Unplugged: March 2024

Topics include: melatonin and implantation (4:38), whole-genome screening of embryos, and bioengineering assisted reproductive technology. Listen to the Episode
Videos Icon

Journal Club Global: Cost effectiveness analyses of PGT-A

Infertility treatments can be financially burdensome, often without insurance coverage, making understanding the cost effectiveness of PGT-A crucial. View the Video
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Fertility and Sterility On Air - TOC: February 2024

Topics this month include the optimial AMH level in oocyte donors, the role of mean number of DNA breakpoints (MDB) in sperm DNA integrity, and more. Listen to the Episode
Coding Icon

Coding PGT requisitions to the PGT lab

Do you have any recommended codes to use for PGT requisitions to the PGT lab?   View the Answer
Document Icon

Clinical management of mosaic results from preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy of blastocysts: a committee opinion (2023)

This document incorporates studies about mosaic embryo transfer and provides evidence-based considerations for embryos with mosaic results on PGT-A. View the Committee Opinion
Videos Icon

Journal Club Global - Revisiting the STAR trial: The Fellows debate PGT-A

We are excited to host a debate covering the pros and cons of PGT-A and how new technologies should be validated before clinical implementation. View the Video
Coding Icon

Sperm DNA Fragmentation

Is there a CPT code for HALO DNA Fragmentation for sperm? View the Answer
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Results Review

What CPT code is most appropriate to submit for Physician Time to review CCS/PGS/PGD results? View the Answer
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ICSI and Embryo Biopsy

How to bill for ICSI or embryo biopsies that occur in different days?  View the Answer
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Genetic Counseling

Does ASRM have any guidance for how to bill for genetic counseling services provided by a genetic counselor?
View the Answer
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Embryo Biopsy

Have any new codes been introduced for the lab portion of PGT? View the Answer
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Embryo Biopsy PGS Testing

What codes are appropriate for PGS testing? View the Answer
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Assisted Zona Hatching

Can assisted hatching and embryo biopsy for PGT-A; PGT-M or PGT-SR be billed during the same cycle? View the Answer
Document Icon

Indications and management of preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic conditions: a committee opinion (2023)

ASRM has updated its opinion on PGT for monogenic conditions, providing guidance on clinical and technical complexities. View the Committee Opinion
Videos Icon

Journal Club Global - PGT-A - Can non-invasive approaches based on spent medium analysis

PGT-A by trophectoderm biopsy aims to select available euploid embryos for transfer. View the Video
Document Icon

ASRM müllerian anomalies classification 2021

The Task Force set goals for a new classification and chose to base it on the iconic AFS classification from 1988 because of its simplicity and recognizability. View the Committee Opinion
Videos Icon

Journal Club Global - Accuracy of Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidies

One of the highest aspirations in reproductive medicine is to develop a technology allowing for ID of embryos that have true reproductive potential.
View the Video
Document Icon

Reproductive and hormonal considerations in women at increased risk for hereditary gynecologic cancers: Society of Gynecologic Oncology and American Society for Reproductive Medicine Evidence-Based Review (2019)

Providers who care for women at risk for hereditary gynecologic cancers must consider the impact of these conditions. View the Joint Statement
Document Icon

Disclosure of sex when incidentally revealed as part of preimplantation genetic testing (PGT): an Ethics Committee opinion (2018)

Clinics may develop a policy to disallow selecting which embryos to transfer based on sex and choose to use only embryo quality as selection criteria. View the Committee Opinion
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Use of preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic defects (PGT-M) for adult-onset conditions: an Ethics Committee opinion (2018)

Preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic diseases for adult-onset conditions is ethically permissible for a range of conditions including when the condition is serious and no safe, effective interventions are available. View the Committee Document
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Transferring embryos with genetic anomalies detected in preimplantation testing: an Ethics Committee Opinion (2018)

Patient requests for transfer of embryos with genetic anomalies linked to serious health-affecting disorders detected in preimplantation testing are rare but do exist. View the Committee Document
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Best practices of ASRM and ESHRE: a journey through reproductive medicine (2012)

ASRM and ESHRE are the two largest societies in the world whose members comprise the major experts and professionals working in reproductive medicine. View the Committee Joint Guideline
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Preimplantation Genetic Testing Special Interest Group (PGTSIG)

The ASRM PGTSIG coordinates research, education, and training in preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGT). Learn more about the PGTSIG