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Vitamin D Testing in Infertility Patients

We are being told that, as of this year, vitamin D level screening is not being covered by many insurers. We have a very high incidence of vitamin D deficiency in our patient population, with a majority (probably 70-80%) of our patients showing deficiency. As you know, Vitamin D is important for overall health and has also been associated with reproductive health and miscarriage. If there is a deficiency in the patient’s history or if the level is low, we can use the code of vitamin D deficiency and the cost of the test will be covered by insurance. But insurers are not covering under the diagnosis of health care maintenance or fertility testing. We strongly believe, and our medical literature supports, that we should be doing the testing. But insurers disagree. The cost of the test is $200. What do you recommend?

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Coding Q&A

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Coding ART Clinical Care teaser

HyCoSy and CPT 74740

When Office HSG/HyCoSy is performed but no x-ray/fluoroscopic imaging is performed, only ultrasound is done, is it appropriate to bill CPT code 74740?
Coding ART Clinical Care teaser

Coding for an endometrial biopsy/Mock cycle

We had patients request us to bill their insurance for the two monitoring visits and the Endo BX and change the diagnosis code to something that is payable. 
Coding ART Clinical Care teaser

Guidance for coding limited or follow-up ultrasounds used during an IVF Cycle

I am a coder for a Reproductive Endocrinologist's office and am looking for some guidelines on limited or follow-up ultrasounds used during an IVF Cycle. 
Coding ART Clinical Care teaser

Shipping of frozen embryos

I have some infertility coverage, under which my insurance said they will cover frozen embryo shipping/transport from one facility to another. 

Coding Corner

Coding Corner is segmented into the following sections. Click an image below to view questions and answers in that section.


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More Resources

MAC 2021 teaser
ASRM Academy on the Go

ASRM MAC Tool 2021

The ASRM Müllerian Anomaly Classification 2021 (MAC2021) includes cervical and vaginal anomalies and standardize terminology within an interactive tool format.

View the MAC Tool
EMR Phrases teaser
Practice Guidance

EMR Shared Phrases/Template Library

This resource includes phrases shared by ASRM physician members to provide a template for individuals to create their own EMR phrases.

View the library
Practice Committee Documents teaser

ASRM Practice Documents

These guidelines have been developed by the ASRM Practice Committee to assist physicians with clinical decisions regarding the care of their patients.

View ASRM Practice Documents
Ethics Committee teaser

ASRM Ethics Opinions

Ethics Committee Reports are drafted by the members of the ASRM Ethics Committee on the tough ethical dilemmas of reproductive medicine.

View ASRM Ethics Opinions
Coding Corner general teaser
Practice Guidance

Coding Corner Q & A

The Coding Corner Q & A is a list of previously submitted and answered questions from ASRM members about coding. Answers are available to ASRM Members only.

View the Q & A
Covid-19 teaser
Practice Guidance

COVID-19 Resources

A compendium of ASRM resources concerning the Novel Corona virus (SARS-COV-2) and COVID-19.

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Couple looking at laptop for online patient education materials

Patient Resources provides a wide range of information related to reproductive health and infertility through patient education fact sheets, infographics, videos, and other resources.

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Topic Resources

View more on the topic of female fertility
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HyCoSy and CPT 74740

When Office HSG/HyCoSy is performed but no x-ray/fluoroscopic imaging is performed, only ultrasound is done, is it appropriate to bill CPT code 74740? View the Answer
Document Icon

Tobacco or marijuana use and infertility: a committee opinion (2023)

In the United States, approximately 21% of adults report some form of tobacco use, although 18% report marijuana use. View Committee Opinion
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What's New from the Fertility and Sterility Family of Journals

Here’s a peek at this month’s issues from our family of journals! As an ASRM Member, you can access all of our journals.
Read More about the newest articles
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Exclusion of IVF services due to Z31.83

My wife and I have been seeking IVF treatment and this year coverage was added to my benefits for infertility treatment (up to $25,000). View the Answer
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Total versus Free estradiol

Should patients with fertility issues be billing Estradiol Free (82681) instead of Estradiol Total (82670)? View the Answer
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Vitamin D Testing in Infertility Patients

We are being told that, as of this year, vitamin D level screening is not being covered by many insurers.  View the Answer
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Sperm Wash No Male Factor

What would be the best code to use for a sperm wash when it is not a male factor issue? View the Answer
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Post Vasectomy Infertility

If a husband has had a vasectomy, does the sterilization code apply to the wife's visits? View the Answer
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Testing With No History of Infertility

What diagnosis codes should  providers submit to insurance carriers while trying to evaluate fertility issues? View the Answer
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Transvaginal Cyst Aspiration

If a cyst aspiration is completed in office, what codes could be used for this service in a clinic setting? View the Answer
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Should other ovarian dysfunction (diagnosis code E28.8) or unspecified ovarian dysfunction (diagnosis code E28.9) can be used for an IUI or an IVF cycle View the Answer
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Ovulation Induction Monitoring With PCOS

We have a patient insisting that we code the ultrasound follicle monitoring with the PCOS diagnosis.  View the Answer
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Diagnostic Testing of an Infertile Couple

The Z31.41 is or is not the correct code to use for diagnostic testing of an infertile couple? And If so can if be used as the primary and only code? View the Answer
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Optimizing natural fertility: a committee opinion (2022)

This committee opinion provides practitioners with suggestions for optimizing the likelihood of achieving pregnancy in couples... View the Committee Opinion
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Use of exogenous gonadotropins for ovulation induction in anovulatory women: a committee opinion (2020)

Pretreatment evaluation, indications, treatment regimens, and complications of gonadotropin treatment. View the Committee Opinion
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Guidance for Providers Caring for Women and Men Of Reproductive Age with Possible Zika Virus Exposure (Updated 2019)

This ASRM guidance specifically addresses Zika virus infection issues and concerns of individuals undergoing assisted reproductive technologies (ART). View the Guideline
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American Society for Reproductive Medicine position statement on uterus transplantation: a committee opinion (2018)

Following the birth of the first child from a transplanted uterus in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2014, other centers worldwide have produced scientific reports. View the Committee Opinion
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Removal of myomas in asymptomatic patients to improve fertility and/or reduce miscarriage rate: a guideline (2017)

This review evaluates if uterine myomas impact likelihood of pregnancy and pregnancy loss, and if myomectomy influences pregnancy outcomes. View the Guideline
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Uterus Transplantation Intersociety Roundtable (2016)

A Roundtable to discuss the development of uterus transplantation in the United States was convened under the sponsorship of ASRM and ASRT. View Roundtable discussion
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Recommended practices for the management of embryology, andrology, and endocrinology laboratories: a committee opinion (2014)

A general overview for good management practices within the endocrinology, andrology, and embryology laboratories in the United States. View the Recommendation
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Improving the Reporting of Clinical Trials of Infertility Treatments (IMPRINT): modifying the CONSORT statement (2014)

Clinical trials testing infertility treatments often do not report on the major outcomes of interest to patients and clinicians and the public. View the Guideline
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Best practices of ASRM and ESHRE: a journey through reproductive medicine (2012)

ASRM and ESHRE are the two largest societies in the world whose members comprise the major experts and professionals working in reproductive medicine. View the Committee Joint Guideline

Topic Resources

View more on the topic of insurance
PR Bulletin Icon

ASRM announces support for HOPE with Fertility Services Act

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine is proud to endorse the HOPE with Fertility Services Act (HR 8821).

View the Press Release
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ASRM Responds to Senate Vote on IVF Bill

ASRM is disappointed that a filibuster prevented the passage of the Right to IVF Act.

View the Press Release
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ASRM Calls for Passage of Family Building Bill

It would increase access to IVF treatments for all Americans, including active-duty service members, veterans, and federal employees.

View the Press Release
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Mandated states and egg retrieval

What name should you use to submit for reimbursement for the actual egg donor when there is benefit for the donor egg retrieval? View the Answer
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Survey shows strong support for increased access to fertility treatments

A new public opinion poll reveals strong support for improved access to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). 

View the Press Release
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Billing 58558 together with 58560

Can CPT codes 58558 and 58560 be billed together? Also, can 58560 be billed with place of service 11? View the Answer
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Surgery was performed under anesthesia for Aspiration of right hyrosalpinx fluid and right endometrioma. View the Answer
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IVF coverage denied for Z31.83 diagnosis code

My wife and I have been seeking IVF treatment and coverage was added for infertility treatment (up to $25,000) but our insurer keeps denying it. View the Answer
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Cycle coordination fees and 99499, S4042

I reviewed cycle coordination fees, but see that there is no specific code for cycle management.  View the Answer
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Reimbursement for cost of donor egg

My wife and I are going through a fertility treatment process, and we have purchased a donor egg out-of-pocket from a donor bank.  View the Answer
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Coding for Ovarian tissue cryopreservation, experimental or not?

For Cryopreservation; Reproductive Tissue Ovarian- 0058T code is not being recognized. Is there an updated one being used or a replacement of this code? View the Answer
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Supervising provider for embryology billing

We typically bill our IVF Lab work under the rendering provider who performs the VOR. Who should be the supervising provider for embryology billing? View the Answer
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Billing 58558 and 58560 together

Can CPT codes 58558 and 58560 be billed together? Also, can 58560 be billed with place of service 11? View the Answer
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Total versus Free estradiol

Should patients with fertility issues be billing Estradiol Free (82681) instead of Estradiol Total (82670)? View the Answer
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Unlisted Fertility Treatment CPT Code

Can you please refer me to an unlisted management CPT code for fertility treatment? View the Answer
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Vitamin D Testing in Infertility Patients

We are being told that, as of this year, vitamin D level screening is not being covered by many insurers.  View the Answer
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Z Codes Vs. Procedure Codes For Fertility Preservation Counseling

I am trying to understand better when to use the procreative management code vs the fertility preservation counseling and procedure codes. View the Answer
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Initial Visit for Infertility With No Mandated Coverage

What code would be appropriate for an initial visit for infertility?  View the Answer
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Non-REI Board Certified MD Performing REI Procedures

My boss has a few follow up questions about a non-REI board certified MD performing REI procedures.  View the Answer
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ICD-10 Code For Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) For Same-Sex Couple

Which ICD-10 code you recommend for IUI same gender couples? View the Answer
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Flat Fee For Outside Monitoring

Can our office charge outside monitoring patients a flat fee to be seen?  View the Answer
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Global Billing Vs Billing Under Provider

For an IVF cycle (that is not being billed global to an insurance plan) is it appropriate to bill the charges under one “global” provider? View the Answer
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Embryo Culture Denied As Experimental

We have received denials from insurance payers when billing CPT code 89251.  View the Answer
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Frozen Embryo Transport

What is the code for the cost of frozen embryo transport? View the Answer
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Diagnosis Codes For Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

I was reviewing your Coding Corner information to find a definitive diagnosis for IUI procedures. Which diagnosis is the most appropriate? View the Answer
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Donor Egg-Retrieval On Recipient's Claim

Is the donor egg retrieval included on the bill to insurance with the first IVF treatment for the recipient?  View the Answer
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Billing at an Outside Clinic for Lab Services

One of my physicians uses an outside facility to perform the retrievals and transfers.  View the Answer
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Billing For Procedures Performed By Outside Physicians

Our physician tested positive for COVID-19, so another physician not associated with our office performed our egg retrievals and embryo transfers.  View the Answer
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Board Certified Vs. Non-Board Certified Billing

Is coding/billing any different when a non-board certified or non-REI provider submits for REI procedure?  View the Answer
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Coding For Alpha-Fetoprotein Testing

My clinic is looking into implementing Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) testing. I understand there is currently no CPT code listed for this testing. View the Answer
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Billing For Cryopreservation Of Embryos Under The Male Partner

Can 89258 be billed under the male partner of a female patient? View the Answer
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Coding For Long-Term Storage Of Embryos

We have recently been contacted by a payer stating we have a patient whose plan will cover long-term storage of her embryos. View the Answer
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Claim Form for Donor Egg Retrieval

What bill form is used of IVF donor egg retrieval? View the Answer
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Coding For Donor Egg Retrieval For Male Intended Parent

In coding a donor-egg retrieval to bill to insurance under the male intended parent, would it be appropriate to use the Z31.83?  View the Answer
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Male Infertility

A summary of common codes for Male Infertility compiled by the ASRM Coding Committee. View the Coding Summary
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Mental-health Services During Assisted Reproduction

A summary of codes for Mental-health Services During Assisted Reproduction compiled by the ASRM Coding Committee. View the Coding Summary
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A summary of codes for PCOS as compiled by the ASRM Coding Committee. View the Coding Summary
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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss (RPL)

Strategy for coding for a patient with RPL - codes compiled by the ASRM Coding Committee.  View the Coding Summary
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Laboratory Procedures during ART Cycles

A listing of codes, compiled for a fresh ART cycle, transfer, biopsy, cryopreservation of embryos and oocytes, storage, and thawing. View the Coding Summary
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Embryo Transfer

A summary of Embryo Transfer codes collected by the ASRM Coding Committee View the Coding Summary
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A summary of common codes for Endometriosis compiled by the ASRM Coding Committee View the Coding Summary
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Fertility Preservation

A summary of codes for Fertility Preservation compiled by the ASRM Coding Committee. View the Coding Summary
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Jan 2022: Modifier 93 – Synchronous Telemedicine Service Rendered Via Telephone or Other Real-Time Interactive Audio-Only Telecommunications System

At the September 2021 CPT Editorial Panel Meeting, a new Modifier was accepted to describe real-time telemedicine services. View the Letter
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Feb 2021: CMS holds physicians harmless from Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) penalties amid COVID-19 Public Health Emergency

CMS announced it will hold physicians harmless from up to 9% MIPS penalties due to the significant disruptions of the COVID-19 public health emergency. View the Letter
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Jan 2021: Coding for COVID-19 Vaccine Administration

AMA has published an update to the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code set that includes new vaccine-specific codes to report immunizations. View the Letter
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Jan 2021: Telehealth Coding Extension and 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule

Effective January 11, 2021, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Secretary Azar has extended the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). View the Letter
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Dec 2020: New Evaluation and Management Codes for 2021

Effective January 1, 2021, Evaluation and Management Codes will be changed for office visits only.  View the Link