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Use of the ASRM Logo

1.0       Purpose

The use of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s logo represents our organization’s brand. As such, we actively control the use of the mark by any and all companies. The logo is used primarily by ASRM for the promotion of our products and programs. However, we may authorize the use of the logo by members and other organizations for printed and web applications upon pre-authorization by our Communications Department with approval of the ASRM CEO. This policy applies to the use of the ASRM logo or the logo of any sub-brand, affiliated society or group that exists within ASRM.

2.0       Policy Statement

The ASRM logo should be used in/on ASRM publications and websites, meeting notices, programs, and other promotional literature, signage, and products.

The ASRM logo may be used in presentation slides (e.g. PowerPoint) only when the presentation represents the Society.

The ASRM logo may be used by a member of the society, member company, or other company only with written pre-authorization.

The logos may not be altered or deformed in shape or size in any way.

  • Do not replace the logo type with a different typeface or non-authorized color.
  • Do not set type near or next to the logos that could be construed as an organization slogan or motto.
  • Only the complete, official logos may be used.
  • The logo should not be obscured by any other design, lettering, etc.
  • When multiple logos are displayed on the same page, the ASRM logo must occupy an area roughly equal to all other logos.

Request for outside organizations to use the ASRM logo:

ASRM will consider requests for entities to use the ASRM logo for organizations that partner with ASRM (e.g. an event, meeting, educational piece).

To obtain permission to use our organization logo, contact Julie Beckham with the following information:
  • Your name
  • Your title
  • Company name
  • Reason/purpose for use
  • How use supports the ASRM mission
  • How the logo will be shown (i.e. print, web, etc.)
  • Requested timeframe/duration of use
The policy’s intent is to protect the integrity of ASRM’s brand and strictly control the use of ASRM’s logo(s) by entities outside the organization and/or by other individuals, clinics, universities, businesses, organizations, etc. The policy applies in all logo use circumstances whether it be placement on member’s websites, or in associates’, supporters’, and partners’ collateral, etc. The policy always applies, and exceptions may be made only at the discretion of the ASRM CEO.  

3.0       Policy Scope

This policy applies to all staff and any external parties requesting the use of the ASRM logo.

4.0       Definitions

Logo is defined as any graphical representation or symbol of ASRM’s name, trademark, or abbreviation uniquely designed for the organization, including those of affiliated societies and professional groups.

5.0       Related Policies, Procedures, Forms, Guidelines, and Other Resources

  • Dissemination of External Meeting Information Policy
  • ASRM Co-Sponsorship/ Co-Branding
  • ASRM Policy for Email Blasts for External Parties
  • Form letter from CEO asking violators to remove logo from their materials, namely websites.

6.0       Policy Owner

 Director of Communications and Marketing

7.0       Responsibilities

The Director of Communications and Marketing is responsible for maintaining and enforcing the policy. Requested exceptions of merit will be escalated to the ASRM CEO for consideration and decision.

ASRM Policies

Learn More About ASRM

Find out more about the American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Group of health professionals

Mission, Vision and Values

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of reproductive medicine.

Strategic Initiatives

ASRM has accomplished several strategic initiatives to advance the science and practice of reproductive medicine through education, research, advocacy, and public awareness.
ASRM Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The ASRM Board of Directors is committed to advancing the reproductive medicine field and providing patients with high-quality care. The Board works tirelessly to ensure that the organization is meeting the needs of its members and the public.
Large group of ASRM Members

History of ASRM

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) is the leading organization worldwide dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of reproductive medicine.
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