The purpose of the ASRM Patient Advocacy Grants Program is to award funds to patient advocacy organizations to support advocacy efforts and educational programs for patients and communities impacted by reproductive health issues. In fiscal year 2025, ASRM will award up to $150,000 to be distributed among multiple awardees, at a maximum of $50,000 each, through a competitive grant process. The applicant program period should be for no more than 1-year. Grant proposal submissions will be accepted beginning May 17, 2024 with a deadline of July 19, 2024 @ 4pm EST. Award notifications and funding disbursements will be made in late summer/fall 2024.STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT
The Patient Advocacy Grants Program aligns with both the ASRM Strategic Plan 2021-2025 goals as well as the ASRM DEI Committee Statement of Interest (see identified goals from both documents below). This program will extend ASRM communication and advocacy efforts to a greater number of patient-focused organizations allowing for prioritization of funding areas, including but not limited to DEI and access to care.GRANT GUIDELINES
- Applicant organizations must be based in the United States or its territories. Submissions from teams that include both U.S. and international members are eligible, with the lead applicant based in the US.
- Only applicant nonprofit organizations that are considered tax exempt under Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code and are not private foundations will be considered. For questions related to eligibility please contact research@asrm.org. ASRM may require additional documentation.
- In order to submit a proposal, a representative from the organization MUST attend one of two mandatory orientation sessions being held on Thursday, May 16 at either 1pm or 6pm CT. You may sign up for Patient Advocacy Grant Submission Orientation HERE.
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine invites application submissions for the Patient Advocacy Initiative. The purpose of this initiative is to provide grants for US based organizations to support existing or new federal, state, and local reproductive health advocacy initiatives, educational programs, and/or patient-related events (e.g., support group activities). Grants with a programmatic focus on inclusivity of patient groups, diverse advocacy issues and access to care are highly recommended.An application must include the following information in order as described below. Additionally, all letters must be included in your application package and cannot be sent separately or post application deadline. Please note: Letters of support are not required but can be used to support the need for funding.
An application must include:
- Title page
- Title of the project (not to exceed 200 characters including spaces)
- Organization’s name
- Organization’s contact person and contact information (email, phone, address)
- Total funding amount requested
- Letters of support (optional, 2 max)
- A LOS can be included to provide outside testimonial that backs up a nonprofit's claims of success and promises to deliver, or to provide additional information regarding gaps and needs.
- Tax-exempt status
- Evidence that the organization is a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c) charitable organization in good standing
- Written confirmation of tax-exempt status (W-9 or IRS letter)
- Abstract (One page maximum)
- Lay-person Abstract (500 words) describing the project in general terms
- Purpose Statement
- Program Description (no more than three pages)
- Background on need
- Significance and potential impact to stakeholders in the reproductive health field
- Program plan
- Timeline for project start up, implementation, and completion
- Budget
- A detailed budget and budget justification for the program proposed
- Funds are available for advocacy, educational, and project expenses, technical assistance, programmatic supplies, etc.
- Funds may not be used towards day-to-day operational expenses
- Formatting
- The proposal must be typed in Calibri 12 pt. type with page margins no less than .5 inches and no more than 1 inch.
- Pagination should be included at the bottom of each page (excluding the Title page).
- The entire application (including completed checklist) must be submitted as ONE PDF FILE to research@asrm.org by 4pm EST on July 19, 2024.
ASRM will review the proposals and awardees determined (The review committee will be identified through standard ASRM process). To avoid a potential conflict of interest, individuals with close affiliations with an applicant will be recused from reviewing that application.
A final project progress report is required and due within 60 days of the project period end. The report should be submitted to research@asrm.org. ASRM will review and provide a confirmation of the progress report acceptance via email. A no-cost extension may be requested/considered, 30-days prior to the end of the proposed program period, for an additional year. This request must be in submitted to ASRM in writing by emailing research@asrm.org. Additional information may be required for consideration and approval. Further information about this process can be provided by emailing research@asrm.org.
Topic Resources
View more on the topic of access to care
Topic Resources
View more on the topic of advocacy